Sunday, July 8, 2007

Forced Air Laptop Cooler

A very neat DIY hack that effectively cools and allows overclocking for his Dell Inspiron E1705 with a Nvidia GeForce Go 7800 video card. With this mod, he was able to attain GPU speeds of 370mhz; 120mhz over it's default clock speed. Quite impressive for a laptop. The only thing I have gripes with is the PCV tubing that makes it look like a bathroom amenity rather than a laptop. Check it out here! Read
Using aluminum sheeting to build a streamlined platform ducts rather than using 4 inch diameter plastic tubes, perhaps would look better. Now that's an idea!

Dex starts Blogging.

Decided to start a blog of my daily life, progress, technology and whatever else I find interesting around the web and the world. Pretty much anything artistic, technology, food, fashion and whatnot; whatever tingles my noodles.

Number of interesting things I found this day was about Live Earth. Watched a few hours of it yesterday and caught onto a number of different issues:
1) There was actually a pathetic performance over in Hong Kong with absolutely no news or media coverage over here in North America. What a lack-lustre attempt as they couldn't even muster one big artist or band to perform there, just the typical HK idols; like Solar, Eason and Joey. Compare it to Japan.. ugh.
2) PCD performance over at the UK was quite impressive. Which totally reminded me of their Idol Wannabe show; Searching for the next Doll Winner Asia Nitollano who was supposed to be now part of the group. Makes me wonder what the heck they are going to do with Season 2 that is being in the works... *shrugs*
3) The Smashing Pumpkins. Very much a great story with them re-uniting. I tried to listen to their new music last night and I don't know what it is, but it just annoyed me more than anything! Billy Corgan had a solo guitar performance that should like constipated humpback whales, the crowd was either paralyzed by the noise or was falling into enchanting sleep.